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How do bookings work?Visit the "Book Online" page and choose from the list of professionals and services offered. To make a booking, simply click "Book Now" button and choose the date and time from available slots. Payment can be made from our list of payment integrations and once concluded you will receive an email confirming your booking. The email will contain the link for joining your session at the chosen date and time. A message will also be sent to your phone to remind you of your booking.
What can I do if I cannot connect?If you experience any difficulty, drop us a message on our WA Business line at +27 (82) 496-3635.
What can I do if I need to cancel my session?Cancellations must be at least 48 hours before the session. A request can be sent to, or to our WA Business line at +27 (82) 496-3635.
How do I apply to become a Virtual Care Partner?Simply click on the "Apply" tab and fill the application form. Please upload any accompanying documents with the "Upload File" button before clicking "Submit".
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