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Do-It-Yourself Addiction Intervention Guide

The Guide includes a step-by-step explanation of how intervention works and how to plan one for your addict/alcoholic.

A while back I found myself explaining to one parent why, with all the counselors and therapists around, more of them weren’t organizing interventions on reluctant alcoholics. “Well, intervention’s a different skill set from therapy,” I offered. “Many very competent counselors just aren’t comfortable with it. And interventions are time-consuming, with all the organization and prep involved. Plus a lot of families just can’t afford it, on top of the cost of treatment.”

“So what’s the alternative for those folks?” he wanted to know.

Good question. The need’s still there. So we’ve provided this brief guide, part of our Family Coaching Resources series. The Guide includes a step-by-step explanation of how intervention works and how to plan one for your addict/alcoholic. It also includes our “Finding the Right Treatment” article, an Intervention Casebook, and a Bibliography of intervention books.

Find it here:

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